Exceptional Care Starts with Extraordinary Caregivers

At the heart of our service are dedicated professionals. We carefully choose individuals driven by a passion to enrich lives through exceptional care.

Certified Professionals You Can Trust

Each of our caregivers is not only deeply compassionate but also a certified expert in their field. Through rigorous training, they’re equipped to offer top-tier care, ensuring your loved ones are always in knowledgeable and caring hands.

Unwavering Dedication to Safety and Reliability

We place your family's safety and well-being above all else. That's why all our caregivers go through thorough background checks and vetting processes, ensuring your peace of mind. You can count on our caregivers to be on time, dependable, and fully tuned into your loved ones' needs.

A Supportive Team, a Caring Family

Our care professionals aren't just employees; they're family at Roxana Home Care. We always have their backs with training and support, ensuring they're up-to-date and ready. Together, we're all about giving your loved ones the care they deserve.

We Are Home Care Professionals

In choosing Roxana Home Care, you are choosing care professionals who offer more than just a service. They bring peace of mind, companionship, and a steadfast commitment to the well-being of your loved ones.



Best friends




Lifelong Learners




Peace of mind




We Are More Than Just a Team, We're a Tightly-Knit Family.

Our deep care for one another forms strong bonds that go beyond our professional roles. This culture of connection is infectious and deeply ingrained in who we are.

Genuine Relationships

We believe in fostering authentic connections that go beyond surface level, 24/7. Because life doesn't follow office hours, and neither do our relationships.

A Supportive Community

Our community is a tight-knit group of caring individuals. Each of us brings our unique experiences and perspectives, creating a supportive environment that extends to the care we provide. We work together, united by a common purpose.

Contagious Compassion

Compassion drives everything we do. Our genuine care for one another spills over into our interactions with patients and their families. This contagious compassion creates a ripple effect of warmth, comfort, and heartfelt care that touches the lives of those we serve.

A Culture of Growth

At Roxana Home Care, personal and professional growth go hand in hand. We inspire one another, challenging assumptions and embracing opportunities to learn and develop.

Need Care Now?

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
